PubliCatt Policy
Institutional Repository of the Research Output of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC), with resolution of the Academic Senate of December 12, 2011, approved the creation of a single database - called PubliCatt - for the research output of UCSC. PubliCatt exchanges information not only with internal systems, but is also interoperable with those outside with the aim to maximise the visibiliy, usage and impact of its research at national and international level, according to the Guidelines for the Institutional Repositories approved by the Conference of Rectors of the Italian Universities - CRUI - in 2009.
Following the subscritpion of the Berlin Declaration by UCSC on December 6, 2006, The Institutional Repository of the Research output of UCSC, PubliCatt, shall promote the transition to a new open access paradigm by developing software tools to enable the creation and accessibility of metadata and whenever possible of full-texts as well.
All eligible depositors must deposit bibliographic metadata for all their publications, both for their personal usage and to any advantage of UCSC.
Only the publications deposited in PubliCatt will be available for internal usage or accessible on the Internet.
1. Metadata Policy
for information describing items in the repository
- Anyone may access the metadata on the Internet, free of charge.
- Metadata may be re-used by robots and search engines for not-for-profit purposes provided the OAI identifier or a hyperlink and/or URL to the original metadata record is given.
- Metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal premission.
2. Data Policy
for full-text and other full data items
- Full-text items accessibility is decided by the depositing author.
- Full items, though freely accessible in the Internet:
- single copies can be used for personal research or study, educational purposes provided the authors, title and full bibliographic details of the authorship are given; a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page;
- must not be sold commercially without formal permission of the intellectual property right holders;
- must not be harvested by robots except transiently. Permanent re-use must be authorized by UCSC.
- PubliCatt is not the publisher; it is mereley the online archive.
3. Content Policy
for types of document & data set held
- PubliCatt is the Institutional Repository of UCSC.
- PubliCatt holds all types of research output of eligible authors of UCSC, except unpublished materials.
4. Submission Policy
concernig depositors, quality & copyright
- Eligible depositors are defined by UCSC governing bodies:
- Tenured professors and researchers (docenti e ricercatori di ruolo);
- Temporary research professors (ricercatori a tempo determinato);
- Lecturers (docenti a contratto);
- Research fellows (assegnisti);
- Ph.D students (dottorandi);
- Scholarship holders (borsisti);
- UCSC emeritus professors (professori emeriti dell'UCSC).
- Authors may only submit their own work for archiving.
- The responsibility for deposist lies with the author; any copyright and/or intellectual property violations both at national and international level are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors.
- The validity and authenticity of the content of submission is the sole responsibility of the depositor. UCSC does not assume any liability for any consequence of the use thereof.
- PubliCatt administrator only vets items for the relevance of the scope of the repository to ensure blibliographic quality and respect for UCSC.
- Submission is possible any time of the year.
5. Preservation Policy
concerning preservation
- PubliCatt will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility of the deposited items.
- PubliCatt regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
- Items may not normally be removed from PubliCatt.
- Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include but are not exhaustive:
- copyright violation, legal requirements and proven violation (law infringmente, plagiarism, etc.);
- journal publishers' motivated request;
- authors' formal request.
- Changes to deposited items are not permitted normally.
- Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original record if required.
- If necessary, an updated version may be deposited.
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore reserves the right to change ist policies