Sfoglia per SSD
Isolation and characterization of mesenchymal cells from human fetal membranes
2007 Soncini, Maddalena; Vertua, Elsa; Gibelli, Lucia; Zorzi, Fausto; Denegri, Marco; Albertini, Alberto; Wengler, Georg S; Parolini, Ornella
Isolation, culture, and phenotypic characterization of mesenchymal stromal cells from the amniotic membrane of human term placenta
2016 Magatti, Marta; Pianta, Stefano; Silini, Antonietta; Parolini, Ornella
Lack of PKCθ promotes regenerative ability of muscle stem cells in chronic muscle injury
2020 Fiore, P. F.; Benedetti, A.; Sandona, M.; Madaro, L.; De Bardi, M.; Saccone, Valentina; Puri, P. L.; Gargioli, C.; Lozanoska-Ochser, B.; Bouche, M.
Lamin A/C sustains PcG protein architecture, maintaining transcriptional repression at target genes
2015 Cesarini, E.; Mozzetta, C.; Marullo, F.; Gregoretti, F.; Gargiulo, A.; Columbaro, M.; Cortesi, A.; Antonelli, L.; Di Pelino, S.; Squarzoni, S.; Palacios, Daniela; Zippo, A.; Bodega, B.; Oliva, G.; Lanzuolo, C.
Language impairments in asd resulting from a failed domestication of the human brain
2016 Benitez-Burraco, Antonio; Lattanzi, Wanda; Murphy, Elliot
Linkage analysis and physical mapping near the gene for X-linked agammaglobulinemia at Xq22
1993 Parolini, Ornella; Hejtmancik, J. F; Allen, R. C; Belmont, J. W; Lassiter, G. L; Henry, M. J; Barker, D. F; Conley, M. E.
Lipid peroxidation, phosphoinositide turnover and protein kinase C activation in human platelets treated with anthracyclines and their complexes with Fe(III)
1992 Banfi, P; Parolini, Ornella; Lanzi, C; Gambetta, R A
Liposome-induced morphological differentiation of murine neuroblastoma
1976 Chen, Js; Del Fa', Aurora; Di Luzio, A; Calissano, P.
Liposuction aspirate fluid-ASCs injection and secondary healing in fingertip injury, a pilot study
2018 Tarallo, M; Fino, P; Ribuffo, D; Casella, D; Toscani, M; Spalvieri, C; Lattanzi, Wanda; Di Taranto, G
Localization of S-100 protein in Müller cells of the retina--2. Electron microscopical immunocytochemistry
1983 Cocchia, D; Polak, Jm; Terenghi, G; Battaglia, Francesco; Stolfi, V; Gangitano, Carlo; Michetti, Fabrizio
[Location of acetylcholinesterase in axotomized ciliary ganglia]
1983 Gangitano, Carlo; Del Fa' Gangitano, Aurora; Ardito, Guglielmo; Rumi, Emilio; Olivieri Sangiacomo, C.
The Long Path of Human Placenta, and Its Derivatives, in Regenerative Medicine
2015 Silini, Antonietta R; Cargnoni, Anna; Magatti, Marta; Pianta, Stefano; Parolini, Ornella
Lymphomyeloid organs of the Antarctic fish Trematomus nicolai and Chionodraco hamatus (Teleostei: Notothenioidea): A comparative histological study
2000 Romano, N.; Ceccariglia, Sabrina; Abelli, L.; Mazzini, M.; Mastrolia, L.
Mapping of the Human Amniotic Membrane: In Situ Detection of Microvesicles Secreted by Amniotic Epithelial Cells
2023 Basile, Mariangela; Centurione, Lucia; Passaretta, Francesca; Stati, Gianmarco; Soritau, Olga; Susman, Sergiu; Gindraux, Florelle; Silini, Antonietta; Parolini, Ornella; Di Pietro, Roberta
Mapping of the Human Placenta: Experimental Evidence of Amniotic Epithelial Cell Heterogeneity
2018 Centurione, Lucia; Passaretta, Francesca; Centurione, Maria Antonietta; Munari, Silvia De; Vertua, Elsa; Silini, Antonietta; Liberati, Marco; Parolini, Ornella; Pietro, Roberta Di
Meeting report of the first conference of the International Placenta Stem Cell Society (IPLASS)
2011 Parolini, Ornella; Alviano, F; Betz, A. G; Bianchi, D. W; Götherström, C; Manuelpillai, U; Mellor, A. L; Ofir, R; Ponsaerts, P; Scherjon, S. A; Weiss, M. L; Wolbank, S; Wood, K. J; Borlongan, C. V.
Membrane compartments and purinergic signalling: the purinome, a complex interplay among ligands, degrading enzymes, receptors and transporters
2009 Volonte', Cinzia; D'Ambrosi, Nadia
Mesenchymal Stem/Progenitor Cells Derived from Articular Cartilage, Synovial Membrane and Synovial Fluid for Cartilage Regeneration: Current Status and Future Perspectives
2017 Huang, Yi zhou; Xie, Hui qi; Silini, Antonietta; Parolini, Ornella; Zhang, Yi; Deng, Li; Huang, Yong can
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: a new ''cells as drugs'' paradigm. Efficacy and critical aspects in cell therapy
2013 de Girolamo, Laura; Lucarelli, Enrico; Alessandri, Giulio; Avanzini, Maria Antonietta; Bernardo, Maria Ester; Biagi, Ettore; Brini, Anna Teresa; D'Amico, Giovanna; Fagioli, Franca; Ferrero, Ivana; Locatelli, Franco; Maccario, Rita; Marazzi, Mario; Parolini, Ornella; Pessina, Augusto; Torre, Maria Luisa; Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group, Null
Mesenchymal stromal cells and their secreted extracellular vesicles as therapeutic tools for COVID-19 pneumonia?
2020 Muraca, Maurizio; Pessina, Augusto; Pozzobon, Michela; Dominici, Massimo; Galderisi, Umberto; Lazzari, Lorenza; Parolini, Ornella; Lucarelli, Enrico; Perilongo, Giorgio; Baraldi, Eugenio
Data di pubblicazione | Titolo | Autore(i) | File |
1-gen-2007 | Isolation and characterization of mesenchymal cells from human fetal membranes | Soncini, Maddalena; Vertua, Elsa; Gibelli, Lucia; Zorzi, Fausto; Denegri, Marco; Albertini, Alberto; Wengler, Georg S; Parolini, Ornella | |
1-gen-2016 | Isolation, culture, and phenotypic characterization of mesenchymal stromal cells from the amniotic membrane of human term placenta | Magatti, Marta; Pianta, Stefano; Silini, Antonietta; Parolini, Ornella | |
1-gen-2020 | Lack of PKCθ promotes regenerative ability of muscle stem cells in chronic muscle injury | Fiore, P. F.; Benedetti, A.; Sandona, M.; Madaro, L.; De Bardi, M.; Saccone, Valentina; Puri, P. L.; Gargioli, C.; Lozanoska-Ochser, B.; Bouche, M. | |
1-gen-2015 | Lamin A/C sustains PcG protein architecture, maintaining transcriptional repression at target genes | Cesarini, E.; Mozzetta, C.; Marullo, F.; Gregoretti, F.; Gargiulo, A.; Columbaro, M.; Cortesi, A.; Antonelli, L.; Di Pelino, S.; Squarzoni, S.; Palacios, Daniela; Zippo, A.; Bodega, B.; Oliva, G.; Lanzuolo, C. | |
1-gen-2016 | Language impairments in asd resulting from a failed domestication of the human brain | Benitez-Burraco, Antonio; Lattanzi, Wanda; Murphy, Elliot | |
1-gen-1993 | Linkage analysis and physical mapping near the gene for X-linked agammaglobulinemia at Xq22 | Parolini, Ornella; Hejtmancik, J. F; Allen, R. C; Belmont, J. W; Lassiter, G. L; Henry, M. J; Barker, D. F; Conley, M. E. | |
1-gen-1992 | Lipid peroxidation, phosphoinositide turnover and protein kinase C activation in human platelets treated with anthracyclines and their complexes with Fe(III) | Banfi, P; Parolini, Ornella; Lanzi, C; Gambetta, R A | |
1-gen-1976 | Liposome-induced morphological differentiation of murine neuroblastoma | Chen, Js; Del Fa', Aurora; Di Luzio, A; Calissano, P. | |
1-gen-2018 | Liposuction aspirate fluid-ASCs injection and secondary healing in fingertip injury, a pilot study | Tarallo, M; Fino, P; Ribuffo, D; Casella, D; Toscani, M; Spalvieri, C; Lattanzi, Wanda; Di Taranto, G | |
1-gen-1983 | Localization of S-100 protein in Müller cells of the retina--2. Electron microscopical immunocytochemistry | Cocchia, D; Polak, Jm; Terenghi, G; Battaglia, Francesco; Stolfi, V; Gangitano, Carlo; Michetti, Fabrizio | |
1-gen-1983 | [Location of acetylcholinesterase in axotomized ciliary ganglia] | Gangitano, Carlo; Del Fa' Gangitano, Aurora; Ardito, Guglielmo; Rumi, Emilio; Olivieri Sangiacomo, C. | |
1-gen-2015 | The Long Path of Human Placenta, and Its Derivatives, in Regenerative Medicine | Silini, Antonietta R; Cargnoni, Anna; Magatti, Marta; Pianta, Stefano; Parolini, Ornella | |
1-gen-2000 | Lymphomyeloid organs of the Antarctic fish Trematomus nicolai and Chionodraco hamatus (Teleostei: Notothenioidea): A comparative histological study | Romano, N.; Ceccariglia, Sabrina; Abelli, L.; Mazzini, M.; Mastrolia, L. | |
1-gen-2023 | Mapping of the Human Amniotic Membrane: In Situ Detection of Microvesicles Secreted by Amniotic Epithelial Cells | Basile, Mariangela; Centurione, Lucia; Passaretta, Francesca; Stati, Gianmarco; Soritau, Olga; Susman, Sergiu; Gindraux, Florelle; Silini, Antonietta; Parolini, Ornella; Di Pietro, Roberta | |
1-gen-2018 | Mapping of the Human Placenta: Experimental Evidence of Amniotic Epithelial Cell Heterogeneity | Centurione, Lucia; Passaretta, Francesca; Centurione, Maria Antonietta; Munari, Silvia De; Vertua, Elsa; Silini, Antonietta; Liberati, Marco; Parolini, Ornella; Pietro, Roberta Di | |
1-gen-2011 | Meeting report of the first conference of the International Placenta Stem Cell Society (IPLASS) | Parolini, Ornella; Alviano, F; Betz, A. G; Bianchi, D. W; Götherström, C; Manuelpillai, U; Mellor, A. L; Ofir, R; Ponsaerts, P; Scherjon, S. A; Weiss, M. L; Wolbank, S; Wood, K. J; Borlongan, C. V. | |
1-gen-2009 | Membrane compartments and purinergic signalling: the purinome, a complex interplay among ligands, degrading enzymes, receptors and transporters | Volonte', Cinzia; D'Ambrosi, Nadia | |
1-gen-2017 | Mesenchymal Stem/Progenitor Cells Derived from Articular Cartilage, Synovial Membrane and Synovial Fluid for Cartilage Regeneration: Current Status and Future Perspectives | Huang, Yi zhou; Xie, Hui qi; Silini, Antonietta; Parolini, Ornella; Zhang, Yi; Deng, Li; Huang, Yong can | |
1-gen-2013 | Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: a new ''cells as drugs'' paradigm. Efficacy and critical aspects in cell therapy | de Girolamo, Laura; Lucarelli, Enrico; Alessandri, Giulio; Avanzini, Maria Antonietta; Bernardo, Maria Ester; Biagi, Ettore; Brini, Anna Teresa; D'Amico, Giovanna; Fagioli, Franca; Ferrero, Ivana; Locatelli, Franco; Maccario, Rita; Marazzi, Mario; Parolini, Ornella; Pessina, Augusto; Torre, Maria Luisa; Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group, Null | |
1-gen-2020 | Mesenchymal stromal cells and their secreted extracellular vesicles as therapeutic tools for COVID-19 pneumonia? | Muraca, Maurizio; Pessina, Augusto; Pozzobon, Michela; Dominici, Massimo; Galderisi, Umberto; Lazzari, Lorenza; Parolini, Ornella; Lucarelli, Enrico; Perilongo, Giorgio; Baraldi, Eugenio |
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